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信息發(fā)布:征集碼頭網(wǎng)    點擊次數(shù):5440    更新時間:2024-11-11
  After months of solicitation and evaluation,the 2024 International Poster Exhibition of Asian Urban Culture&Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Malaysia have come to a successful conclusion.This competition brings together outstanding design forces from Malaysia,China and other regions,showcasing contemporary designers'profound thinking on cultural integration and innovation.
  在亞洲設計周組委會與馬來西亞平面設計協(xié)會的聯(lián)合主辦下下,本次大賽收獲了令人振奮的參與度。來自馬來西亞思特雅大學創(chuàng)意藝術與設計學院、中國大連理工大學建筑與藝術學院以及馬來西亞中國一帶一路研究院的專業(yè)團隊通力承辦,以及中馬兩國各省市協(xié)會,院校等單位的協(xié)辦,《包裝工程》與《Art and Design》等國內(nèi)外知名期刊作為學術支持,為大賽的成功舉辦提供了堅實保障。
  Under the joint sponsorship of the Asia Design Week Organizing Committee and the Graphic Design Association of Malaysia,this competition has achieved an exciting level of participation.The professional teams from the De Institute of Creative Arts and Design,UCSI University in Malaysia,School of Architecture and Art,Dalian University of Technology in China and the Malaysia China Belt and Road Research Institute,as well as the associations,colleges and units of provinces and cities in China and Malaysia,and well-known journals at home and abroad such as Packaging Engineering and Art and Design,as academic support,provided a solid guarantee for the success of the competition.
  We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants and congratulate the selected ones on their outstanding achievements.These excellent design works will become an important imprint witnessing the cultural exchange between China and Malaysia,injecting new vitality into the development of Asian design.
  收稿總體情況Overall Status of Submissions Received:
  Total number of submissions received:3245 submissions from both domestic and international sources,with a total of 1876 valid entries in this competition.
  Distribution of participating regions:The entries cover various provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities in Malaysia and China.
  作品詳情情況Details of the Work:
  Total number of submissions received:3245 submissions from both domestic and international sources,with a total of 1876 valid entries in this competition.
  Distribution of participating regions:The entries cover various provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities in Malaysia and China.
  Specially invited works:464 pieces,including 232 themed works;
  Student works:a total of 622 pieces,including 222 themed works;
  Domestic and international solicitation of works:A total of 665 entries from teams and individuals,including 176 entries in the theme category;
  Overseas works,invited designers,and collected works:a total of 125 pieces.
  入選作品詳情Details of Selected Works:
  After anonymous initial evaluations by 6 experts from China and Malaysia,and anonymous final evaluations by 9 experts from China and Malaysia,among 1876 valid works,
  Selected through joint review:
  Themed Category:Excellence Award(Selection in Exhibition)-Top Prize 100 pieces;
  Themed Category:Special Invitation-Selection Award-21 pieces;
  Themed Category:Open Call-Selection Award-36 pieces;
  Themed Category:Student-Selection Award-32 pieces;
  Themed Category:International-Selection Award-8 pieces;
  Non-themed Category:Selection Award-26 pieces.
  評審專家介紹Introduction of the Jury Members:
  (按姓名首字母順序排列In alphabetical order)
  曹方/Cao Fang
  Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Design,Nanjing University of the Arts.
  成朝暉/Cheng Zhaohui
  Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Dean,Professor,and Doctoral Supervisor of the School of Innovation and Design,China Academy of Art.
  Kamarul Izam(馬來西亞)
  馬來西亞平面設計協(xié)會(wREGA)副會長,擔任ZHOA Design Sdn Bhd藝術總監(jiān)。
  Vice President of the Graphic Design Associationof Malaysia(wREGA),serving as the Artistic Director of ZHOA Design Sdn Bhd.
  李中楊/Li Zhongyang
  Director,Professor,and Doctoral Supervisor of the Institute of Visual Design and Education at Capital Normal University.
  劉秀偉/Liu Xiuwei
  Professor at the School of Design and Art,Beijing Institute of Printing and Technology;Member of the Teaching Guidance Committee for Design Studies in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education.
  Melisa Wong Meng San(馬來西亞)
  馬來西亞平面設計協(xié)會會長,Octagon Creative董事總經(jīng)理/設計總監(jiān)。
  President of the Graphic Design Association of Malaysia,Managing Director/Design Director of Octagon Creative.
  孫青/Sun Qing
  Professor at the School of Art and Design,Dalian University of Technology,Chairman of Dalian Graphic Design Association,Vice Chairman of Creative China Design Alliance.
  Siek Hwee Ling,Perline(馬來西亞)
  Vice Dean/Head of Design Research at the De Institute of Creative Arts and Design,UCSI University,Malaysia.Doctoral Supervisor.
  徐偉/Xu Wei
  Founder of the Zimoreclub,member of the Zhejiang Artists Association,deputy director of the Jiaxing Artists Association Design Art Committee.
  獲獎名單公示Announcement of Award List:
  Tour information(subject to local policies,host and other circumstances):
  線上展覽Online Exhibition:
  Excellent works will be showcased outside the Asia Design Week collaborative online exhibition platform.
  線下巡展Offline Exhibition Tour:
  吉隆坡·馬來西亞思特雅大學(UCSI University,Malaysia.)11.26-12.1
  馬六甲,檳城(視情況而定)Malacca,Penang(depending on the situation)
  中國大陸Chinese Mainland:
  大連理工大學(Dalian University of Technology)11.17-11.22
  華北理工大學(North China University of Science and Technology)11.25-11.30
  河北科技學院(Hebei College of Science and Technology)12.2-12.5
  河北科技大學(Hebei University of Science and Technology)12.7-12.12
  北京世界設計之都大廈(Beijing World Design Capital Building)12.3-12.12
  無錫學院(Wuxi University)12.14-12.18
  西安郵電大學(Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications)12.21-12.26
  (排名不分先后,按姓名首字母順序排列In alphabetical order)
  展覽專家顧問Exhibition Expert Consultant:
  馬來西亞:Husaini Yaacob,Kamarul Izam,Koay Shao Peng,Mageswaran Sanmugam,Melisa Wong Meng San,Mustaffa Azahari,Siek Hwee Ling,Perline
  中國:李中楊(Li Zhongyang)、劉秀偉(Liu Xiuwei)、田少煦(Tian Shaoxu)、張震甫(Zhang Zhenfu)、鄒鋒(Zou Feng)
  海報展組委會主任Director of the Poster Exhibition Organizing Committee:
  曹天慧(Cao Tianhui)、謝清風(Xie Qingfeng,)
  海報組委會成員Members of the Poster Exhibition Organizing Committee:
  中國:曹汝平(Cao Ruping)、龔龑(Gong Ao)、何忠(He Zhong)、黃軍(Huang Jun)、黃亮(Huang Liang)、黃河(Huang He)、霍楷(Huo Kai)、李志明(Li Zhiming)、劉賁(Liu Ben)、魯普及(Lu Puji)、彭軍(Peng Jun)、齊靖寧(Qi Jingning)、史啟新(Shi Qixin)、孫立柱(Sun Lizhu)、唐琳(Tang Lin)、涂志初(Tu Zhichu)、王佳(Wang Jia)、王可(Wang Ke)、王衛(wèi)軍(Wang Weijun)、吳軼博(Wu Yibo)、徐凱(Xu Kai)、徐瑋(Xu Wei)、徐偉(Xu Wei)、燕敏(Yan Min)、葉佑天(Ye Youtian)、楊超(Yang Chao)、詹凱(Zhan Kai)、張愛民(Zhang Aimin)、張通(Zhang Tong)、趙文(Zhao Wen)、周彧彬(Zhou Yubin)、宗強(Zong Qiang)
  馬來西亞:Kamarul Izam,Lim Teng Ngiom,Melisa Wong Meng San,Siek Hwee Ling,Perline
  總策展人Chief Curator:
  李省(Li Sheng)、苗蘋(Miao Ping)、Melisa Wong Meng San、張耿(Zhang Geng)、
  特邀策展人Special Guest Curator:
  李朝占(Li Chaozhan)
  策展團隊Curatorial Team:
  金雅慶(Jin Yaqing)、Lai Jin Ping(Malaysia)、連勇(Lian Yong)、劉柱(Liu Zhu)、呂斯豪威(Lv Sihaowei)、劉涓宇(Liu Juanyu)、章哲鈞(Zhang Zhejun)
  展覽協(xié)作Exhibition Collaboration:

  陳瑛(Chen Ying)、范世斌(Fan Shibin)、???(Hu Hong Wei)、馬黎(Ma Li)、吳文治(Wu Wenzhi)、熊耀輝(Xiong Yaohui)、許方雷(Xu Fanglei)、翟曉暉(Zhai Xiaohui)、張冬冬(Zhang Dongdong)  



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